
Jamin Carter is a visual artist, educator, and activist. He holds a BFA in sculpture and painting and a Masters of Arts in Teaching in visual art education. He lives in Memphis, TN with his wife and two children. He has worked on a variety of projects both public and private such as serving as a volunteer consultant for public works, facilitating panel discussions and painting mural signs. Working out of his studio in Memphis he participants in exhibitions, and occasionally curates shows.

Artist Statement

An experience remembered imperfectly, sometimes sharper or cooler and often infused with a borrowed melancholy, affects my work. How memory changes perception and thus affects how we experience what we call reality is brought to bear, at least partially, in my explorations.       

I bring the vocabulary of objects seen and felt to find a type of agreement with my materials; allowing ink and paint to reform and relocate creating a synthesis of sight and heart. I try to walk a line of intention and accident - thinking it best not to attempt control of something as volatile and fluid as memory, as water.


As an educator, he has experience teaching in several diverse Title One classrooms ranging from elementary art to high school studio art and AP art history. Additionally he has served as a mentoring coach for elementary and middle school art educators across his school district. As a national arts integration consultant Jamin leads visual art and drama based work in schools, museums and arts centers across the country, collaborates with other consultants on new and existing workshops and is currently refining his new workshop in partnership with the Kennedy Center. 

click here if you are interested in learning more about my company's arts integration workshops-